How to buy $CHER on PancakeSwap

PancakeSwap is a decentralized exchange native to Binance Smart Chain. In order to buy $CHER using PancakeSwap, you will first need to have a wallet with:

BNB, which is used for gas fees, and

BUSD, which can be used to purchase $CHER.

If you have not yet added the BSC-BEP20 network to your wallet, you can do so using these details:

Network Name: Smart Chain


ChainID: 56

Symbol: BNB

Block Explorer URL:

If you already have, you can proceed with the steps below:

  1. Using the PancakeSwap website, (, click on “Connect Wallet” and select the wallet type you want to use.
  2. Once your wallet has been successfully connected to the platform, you can then use the “Swap” function to purchase $CHER.

Select BUSD as the currency to trade with. In the other field, you will then need to paste the smart contract address for $CHER.

To ensure you are using the correct address, this can be copied directly from the Cherry Network page on CoinMarketCap (
3. Once the token address has been imported, select the amount of tokens you would like to purchase and click “Swap”.